

{ louis xvi }

"Brought more jewelry, more Louis V..." - Kanye West.

Any time I can use a Kanye West lyric to segue into a post, I will even if it doesn't make sense. Louis XVI (that's 16 for those of you who can't read roman numerals over 10, which includes me) chairs are one of those furniture pieces you've most likely seen before. I love the lines and the style of the design, yet I can agree that it can be a little boring.

One of my favorite magazines, Lonny Mag, featured 6 designers and offered them the chance to reupholster a Louis XVI chair in their choice of fabric! How jealous are we? Very jealous! Here's the articles along with their finished products! I love the watercolor fabric!

If we lived in a perfect world and I had my own chair to upholster,
I would use one of these fabrics from Urban Burp:

l to r: gold leather, bright leopard, white quilted leather,
pucci-esque print, classic polka dots



  1. I looooooooooooove the watercolor and even though i'm vegan I love that gold leather!

  2. The watercolor is def my favorite! I could always have watercolor with gold leather on the back! ooooooohhhhh.
